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To find the latitude and longitude of a point Click on the map, Drag the marker, or enter the...
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Try out the Google Earth Plug-in. Google Earth gives you a 3D look of the area around the center of the map, which is usually your last click point, and includes latitude, longitude and elevation information.

Latitude and Longitude of a Point

Note: Right click on a blue marker to remove it.


Get the Latitude and Longitude of a Point

When you click on the map, move the marker or enter an address the latitude and longitude coordinates of the point are inserted in the boxes below.



Show Point from Latitude and Longitude

Use this if you know the latitude and longitude coordinates of a point and want to see where on the map the point is.
Use: + for N Lat or E Long     - for S Lat or W Long.
Example: +40.689060  -74.044636
Note: Your entry should not have any embedded spaces.

Decimal Deg. Latitude:
Decimal Deg. Longitude:

Example: +34   40   50.12   for 34N 40' 50.12"
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